Movies, Reviews

Movie Reviews: Monsters Trucks & Resident Evil Final Chapter.

Today I am reviewing, Monsters Trucks & Resident Evil Final Chapter.

《 Monsters Trucks Review》


I give this movie 5/5 stars. It has amazing special effects. The storyline is very cute & funny. I recommend this to watch with family & kids.


《 Resident Evil Final Chapter》

I give this movie a 5/5, I recommend this to everyone who’s seen the film series. I loved the ending very much. I hope this wasn’t the final movie. I feel there’s going to be another one.

Product Reviews, Reviews

Product Review: Fidget {Hand} Spinners

Today I’m doing a product review. I think Fidget Hand Spinners are great for steaming. For the Autistic Community Although it’s always annoying to have respin them. I enjoy this product though. Even though it’s one of pop culture fads that’ll go away in a year or 2.

I give this Product a 7/ 10. The reason is that its fad product. It’s also good for anxiety & stress.

About me, Autism, Projects


Currently, I’m, working on Wattpad projects. Next week I’ll be starting the Autistic Spectrum Bloggers Community website make over. I’m looking for friends or fellow Autistics. To make guest appearances. Just contact me through Facebook. My Facebook page has message features. Each week I’ll be posting two guest spot, appearances one male & one female.

Both people will be sharing, their stories about their Autistic lifestyle. Then things about their hobbies and interests. That includes their blog or creative things. Like Drawing, Painting, Writing, graphic design, and sculptures. To share more awareness about the Autistic Community. That Autism makes us the creative people we are. We don’t need to change to fit Society.

They will be various topics. Spreading the experiences about the Autistic Community. That not every Autistic is same as everyone thinks. Hopefully, my readers will enjoy reading articles or interviews about each person. The people will be chosen at random. I hope to see you soon on Autistic Spectrum Bloggers Community!